Are events supposed to happen?

Supposed by whom and under which condtions?

I believe that many of the forces that work to create situations are impersonal or have nothing to do with you. Rarely is anything the result of a conspiracy of some sort, be it mundane or metaphysical.

People who believe that events happen for a reason are framing their experience within a structure of their own creation. They are basically creating artifices so that their lives can fit some aesthetic criteria.

Mistaking these reasons we create for reality is sort of confusing a play or a movie for an actual event. After watching Mars Attacks most reaonable people don't go around talking about the martian invasion that just occurred. But it is commonplace for people to talk about their frames around events as if they were external realities.

I realize that what I am describing is indicative of my "frame," but I believe in Occam's Razor. The little reasons and suppositions people create are much like the little fairies that used to make off with babies ... of course, no one likes to think that the baby was unwanted and exposed and that there were no fairies after all.