Not superceding the law of love, the most basic law for all of life is the law of giving and receiving, or sowing and reaping.

When you plant seeds in tilled land, the seeds are supposed to grow into a crop... under the right conditions, such as good soil, watering, weeding, etc. But sometimes the conditions are not right, in which case you will need assistance of some sort, so that you don't lose your crop.


For every action, there is a reaction, even if its selective non-action. Everything in nature is made within the design of some sort of purpose, which equals reason, which equals will. Purpose, or that which is supposed, is the answer to "Why".

Just because we might not yet have an answer, or scientifc proof of an answer to a particular "why" question, does not mean the answer does not exist. This would be arrogance at its best.

Nature is made in such a way that one thing benefits another thing, which promotes harmony, purpose, and growth. The greatest instinct of all life is SURVIVAL, which brings us to the question of spirit. Certain things are required, beyond human understanding, which either further or counteract the survival, fitness, and continuation of our spirit source - our spirit's nature, if you will.

For example, in order for the human body to be fit for living and procreation, it must be exercised, or else it deteriorates. When a body builder curls with a 20 lb. dumbbell, he is purposely applying temporary stress, strain, and discomfort to his biceps. The muscles actually tear down in the process, but during a 24-hr. rest, they begin a new process of building up LARGER AND STRONGER THAN BEFORE.

Likewise, this analogy can be transposed to fitness requirements for the spirit body. The bottom line, again, is the survival and procreation of nature, whether that nature is of the physical or the spiritual.


I like what Pete said about not judging. It's like an invisible brick wall that obstructs the flow of love, which in turn stymies true, well-rounded success. This is one of my fervent goals, to train myself not to morally judge. Sure, it's necessary to the course of living life to assess to a certain degree, in a fair way, and decide how to act accordingly. But moral judgment is another matter. Believe me, I have become a MASTER at judging people, and I've learned that it has only hurt instead of helped me.

Even so, the biggest hurdle I'm surmounting now, is learning not to judge (condemn) myself. Boy, what a challenge that has been. With the help of Learning Strategies' Paraliminals, sound reasoning, and God, I am overcoming it. How we love others is fundamentally based on how we love ourselves. And if we cannot fulfill this most basic of all laws, that of love, then we, as individuals, will never be able to live to our full potential, much less help others to do the same.

[This message has been edited by SHEANIMA (edited September 10, 2004).]