Judging yourself ...

The human mind perceives patterns even if patterns are not there. It is, among other things, a pattern detection and creation device.

Once you are in your own awareness at some level, the mind is going to come up with judgements about you. It's fit you into some pattern or other. Perhaps a more fruitful and mind-friendly pursuit would be to come up with a greater wealth of judgements about yourself, so one or two don't necessarily stick. Dealing with the emotional revulsion or addiction to various judgements about yourself would also be helpful. Compulsively avoiding or desiring certain judgements are more of a problem than the judgements themselves.

Since you first developed your cognitive system you began discerning patterns and judging. This is background, this is foreground. This is what I want, that isn't. This is me, this is not me. Etc. I don't think you're going to have much luck and trying to get your brain to stop doing the something that is one of its major functions. Better to work with it and allow its functioning to work for you.