I grateful for your concern and reminder...

Originally posted by PaulScheele:

It is important to remind you that the intention of the FE is to reclaim the power and energy that you are...NOT to eliminate a feeling you label as uncomfortable. It is in the feeling you have labeled as "pain" (like the stubbed toe), that you can directly experience your creative power.

While I may have wanted to change the "stubbed toe" feeling before I started the feeling exercise, once started I made it clear in my mind that it was okay if it stayed, and okay if it went. I did ask to experience the energy and the power in the feeling. This means something different to me than noticing the feeling. I didn't ask for it, I wasn't currently hoping that it would. I just wanted to fully notice what was there. When I'm trying to notice the power and energy of different feelings I notice it in several different ways. On some occasions I notice vibrations in different areas of different speed and amplitudes. Other times a picture pops into my mind of a dark silhouette with beams of energy flying around. Most of the time it seems that can only sense the overall feeling itself, the same thing as I notice when feeling the feeling. If I had any agenda at this point it was to more fully notice the energy and power in the feeling. My experience changed on its own. I didn't ask it to change. It just did. I feel like if tried to make the "pain" stay, then I would have been violating the spirit of the Feeling Exercise.

My main question of interest in all of this is how do others experience the energy and power in the feeling? Is it different that just noticing the feeling? I found it strange the first time a picture popped into my head, since I was trying to focus on my feelings. For now I've come to accept that how it is for me sometimes.

Thanks you for creating such a wonderful course.


[This message has been edited by adbsteve (edited July 09, 2004).]