My Mother had done a genealogy chart, worked on it over twenty years, still on paper, hand written with picutres. I took this info and scanned it onto computer for her and made it easier to move the data around. When I did this I had a very interesting experience, I made this connection to all these people who had a hand in my creation. I was able to look back and see (maybe not all) how many thousands of paople it took to make me, from all different walks of life.

I realized that all their life experiences were inside of me up until the time the seed was passed on.

Now I don't remember what I had for dinner last week right off the top of my head but I could work backwards and figure it out. Alot of work which would probably make me hungary so might as well forget that and get some real food.

I tend to think there are 2 parts to the human being which is the body and the spirit (includes your consciousness). The body is blessed with all the memories of the physical that relate to survival and success. As a Spiritual Being I believe I am a guest here. As a Spiritual Being memories like this really don't matter.

To answer these questions you need to calm your mind and look inside, you are the only one who can truely answer this.